Last Updated on February 27, 2022
Is it Time for that Seasonal Cleaning?
Are you feeling overwhelmed by your spring cleaning?
We all have a love/hate relationship to any cleaning, and this one is even more dreaded than your normal weekly or monthly cleaning.
That over whelming task of cleaning each room from top to bottom, and all in one weekend!
Well, I came up with a idea about 20 years ago to make this task as painless as possible.
This will make your spring and fall cleaning not so over whelming.
So, did you noticed I said spring and fall cleaning?
That is because I break up the cleaning task into twice a year instead of once a year and do one room a week. For those of you that have season changes like we do in Minnesota, it makes much more sense.
Let’s start out by making a list of everything that you clean or you wish to clean in your home during the spring and fall.
Grab a tablet and write the name of the room at the top of the page, example….OUR BEDROOM.
Next make a list of all the cleaning you would like to do in that room listed on the top of the page.
- Clean out drawers
- Wash rugs
Now, go through that list and decide which ones you want to do in the spring or fall by putting a S for Spring or a F for Fall beside the task you have on your list.
- Clean out drawers- S
- Wash rugs- F
- Wash blankets- F
- Wipe down all wood with furniture polish- S
Make a list for every room in your home.
After you have made the list and decided when you would be completing the task, start separating the spring cleaning tasks and fall cleaning tasks by room in to two columns.
Once you are finished, you will want to make these list easily accessible for your seasonal cleanings.
For this, I separated each season on reference cards by room.
If you choose, you can laminate each card so it is easy to check off as you complete the task.

Add a hole punch at the top left corner and put all the cards on a ring and hang these cards near your cleaning supplies so that you are reminded when to start your spring and fall cleaning.
Now remember not to do your Spring or Fall Cleaning in one weekend, break it up to one room a week. So much less stress!
I also do this same thing for my outside buildings and garage.
You can just add it to your home Spring and Fall Cleaning cards if you would like or keep them separate on there own ring. I personally like to keep them all together on the same ring.
This should help you keep on track with those cleaning tasks. So much more organized and hopefully not so overwhelming.