How concerned are you about the environment?

How concerned are you about the environment?

Last Updated on May 4, 2022

So let me ask you” How concerned are you about the environment?” The environment has been a concern for me and my family for years. I thought I would share with you some tips and ideas that I have been doing over the years.

How concerned are you about the environment?

How concerned are you about the environment?

I’ve always been mindful of my impact on the environment. And growing up on a farm, 40 to 50 years ago, this was always on my parents minds as well.

There was no recycling centers, and things that were purchased had to last for years. Come to think of it, everything that was bought back then had to have a purpose and a long life. And it did! There was no waste!

We need to start being more mindful with our purchases in today’s world. If we start paying attention to what we are buying we can not only help the environment but we can save our selves some money while doing it! Try to think about how to get rid of the item once you are done with it before you buy, Think before you buy!

One question that’s always asked: “How could only one person be able to help or change anything?” Well, here is how one person CAN make a difference. When one person does the same thing everyday or every week, others will follow.

It becomes the new normal.

Here are a few great examples on how to make a difference.

When our family moved into our current community, I noticed no one near my home was using their recycle bins… I couldn’t believe this! So every week, or every other week, I kept putting out our recycling bin. Until finally I started noticing others started to use and put out their recycling bins. I was surprised how this consistency started a chain reaction in the neighborhood! It was amazing! Finally someone came up to me and said “I don’t know why I wasn’t using my recycling bin!” They couldn’t believe how much less garbage they had? This was such a simple thing to do and all it took was just someone seeing the recycling bins to remember to recycle!

Another great way to help the environment is by not using those plastic bags! What I am referring to is the plastic shopping bags at the store. I believe all stores now offer some kind of reusable shopping bag that you can purchase at their stores or you can find them online. I personally have so many of these bags in all of our vehicles, as well as a cooler. The hardest part is to remember them before going into the store to shop. It will take some time, but once you start the habit, it will become second nature to grab these bags before you go in.

These are just one type of plastic bag that you can replace. Produce and bulk item bags are a must have as well. I did find that some stores do carry the reusable produce bags, but the bulk bags, I couldn’t find in our area. Both produce and bulk bags can be found online. Try to find the bags that have the tare weight on them. This will be so much easier for you and the cashier during checkout. That way you do not have to remember to weigh the bags before you fill them.

Unfortunately, you are not always going to be able to avoid those plastic bags. Examples are bread, frozen vegetable and other food item bags. But, you can recycle those bags. Check your local grocery stores, they may have a bin for those plastic bags and they are usually located in the front of the store. In my area these bins are in the local grocery stores. Every week I bring in a large bag of bags from the week before and put them in these bins.

Do you love to walk around your neighborhood?

I walk almost every day and I started to bring a plastic bag with me on my walks. I clean up any garbage that I find on my walk. You may think this is a little thing, but this little thing can make a huge difference! Not only will this be helping the environment, but you are also taking some pride in your neighborhood by keeping it clean. And trust me everyone will start following your example.

These are just a few tips that you can do to help the environment, keep thinking of new ways that you can help.

So ask yourself: How concerned are you about the environment?

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